Become a friend of the Cwga
Help us promote the CWGA and Women's golf in Central Ohio. Our membership is a diverse group of women that golf. The CWGA is an excellent opportunity to promote your business and to support the game of golf at the same time. The organization also raises money each year for a great cause.
Our sponsorship levels provide you a way to be a Friend of the CWGA through various levels. Any business knows that marketing requires getting your name out there. In order to get your name to our members, all levels require, in addition to a dollar amount of sponsorship, you also must contribute items that will be given to 50/50 winners, competition winners, and during your sponsored event. At the end of the season we have a luncheon and at this event we create a "Swag Bag" for each of our members, have awards, and a 50/50 drawing.
Items you can contribute can be discount coupons, your business labeled items, samples of your product, items for 50/50 raffle such as golf balls, tees, golf club, shirts, and etc. One of our sponsorship members will assist you during the process. Take a look at our sponsorship levels and then let us know your interest and one of our sponsorship committee members will contact you.
Our sponsorship levels provide you a way to be a Friend of the CWGA through various levels. Any business knows that marketing requires getting your name out there. In order to get your name to our members, all levels require, in addition to a dollar amount of sponsorship, you also must contribute items that will be given to 50/50 winners, competition winners, and during your sponsored event. At the end of the season we have a luncheon and at this event we create a "Swag Bag" for each of our members, have awards, and a 50/50 drawing.
Items you can contribute can be discount coupons, your business labeled items, samples of your product, items for 50/50 raffle such as golf balls, tees, golf club, shirts, and etc. One of our sponsorship members will assist you during the process. Take a look at our sponsorship levels and then let us know your interest and one of our sponsorship committee members will contact you.
Feel free to contact us to discuss your interests and ideas of how we can work together.
- Inclusion on front page of CWGA website for entire season as a Gold Eagle Sponsor.
- Inclusion on the Friends of CWGA page for one year with a link to your website.
- Your business marketing materials/swag given to each member at our kick off and end of the year events.
- Multiple posts to our Instagram and Facebook pages regarding your support and a link to your social pages and your website.
- Additional inclusion/participation to our events.
- Inclusion on the Friends of CWGA page for one year with a link to your business.
- Your business card/business/swag material given at our kickoff and year end events.
- A post to our Instagram and Facebook pages regarding your support and a link to your social pages and your website.